Tag: mindfullness


Embracing Positivity: Small Steps to a Brighter Tomorrow

In a world where negativity seems to dominate, finding happiness can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. But fear not, my friend! Amidst the chaos, there lies a beacon of hope – the power of positivity. In today’s blog post, let’s embark on a journey together to discover the simple habits that can illuminate our […]


Boost Productivity and Well-being: 5 Mindfulness Practices

Hey there, fellas! Are you feeling beaten through the pressures of examinations, office and life in general? Trust me, I’ve been there too. But guess what? There’s a easy solution that assist you to navigate thru the chaos and locate your inner peace, and that is Mindfulness. In this blog post, I’ll stroll you via […]



DISCLAIMER: ALL NAMES AND INCIDENTS ARE FICTITIOUS, blah blah and more blah is mere co-incidence.   The Blind Date “Come on yar, it’s ridiculous. It’s 7:30 and the blind date was scheduled to be at 7.” Garima almost shouted at her friend over the call. “What the fuck man! Yeah, I’ll leave in the next […]


Just Me And You – Part 6

Link for part 1: Best friends or More?! Link for part 2: The Day We Met Link for part 3: Date With an Angel Link for part 4: Jab Eddy met Her Link for part 5: And they met Again DISCLAIMER: ALL NAMES AND INCIDENTS ARE FICTITIOUS, blah blah and more blah is mere co-incidence. When Love Strikes You […]


And That’s How It Was Meant To Be – Part 3

Hey guys, how are you doing? I hope everything is good. Here’s the next part of the story ‘And That’s How It Was Meant To Be’ series, about a girl who have a dream to pursue her career and eventually strengthen her love life. Hope you all like this too. Also follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Quora, Tumblr and Pinterest and also this […]


And That’s How It Was Meant To Be – Part 2

Hey guys, how are you doing? I hope everything is good. Here’s the next part of the story ‘And That’s How It Was Meant To Be’ series, about a girl who have a dream to pursue her career. Hope you all like this too. Also follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Quora, Tumblr and Pinterest and also this site to get the latest blog […]


Ever Happened to You?

So guys, here goes my next work, a poem about results. Hope you all like it. Do let me know about this one in the comments section. And if you like it, then please share it as much as you can and help the blog grow. Click on the advertisements to help me make some money :P. […]

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