Anything For You – Part 2


Anything For You – Part 2

Hey dear, how are you doing? I hope everything is good. Here’s the second part of the series Anything For You, and this part is about the arranged love between the couple. Hope you all like this too.

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Link for Part 1: Anything For You – Part 1

Anything For You – Part 2


With those efforts, Samrat opened a coaching institute in the locality and managed to create a crowd of 52 children in the first month itself. The first step of success for the couple.
One day Jahanvi started feeling unwell and vomited thrice. He took her to the doctor in the evening and they found out that she was pregnant. As they got out of the hospital and she looked at him, he had tears in his eyes and a smile on his face.

“What happened?” She asked.

“Thank you sweetheart. You’ve made me realise what a family is and what love is. In these 6 months of togetherness you’ve made me realize that home is where your heart is and that home is not a place but a feeling that you’ve given me, a feeling that I’ve never known after my mom. Thank you so much and I’m sorry that I am not able to give you what you deserve, but I promise that I will work harder now, for the three of us. Good times will come soon.” He said.

“We will.” She emphasised on the words and went ahead and hugged him. The two strangers now knew what true love is.
As the crowd begin to increase at the institute, she also joined in. Though her work increased, but she was happy at helping him. She did every household work, went to take classes at the institute and also kept preparing for exams. They usually went out of the city to Allahabad, Chandigarh, Jaipur for her exams and in such trips they just came closer and closer.
The result for the state PGT exam was going to be out on the 26 of January, which was their first marriage anniversary. They went to the nearby internet cafe and searched for the results. ‘List for the candidates selected for the post of PGT in state government schools.’ The screen read. He searched her name and there it was, her name and roll number. She finally cleared the exam and  now eligible for the state PGT teacher. Tears of joy rolled down his eyes as he looked towards her.

“You’ve made my day much more special. Thank you.” He said.

“And you’ve made my life much more special.” She said.

He smiled as he took her in his arms. The hard work was now going to pay.

‘Congratulations to the selected candidates. You have been mailed your selection details.’ The last lines on the screen read. “Congratulations Mam!” said the guy there.
“Thanks.” She said.

He opened her mail which read ‘Congratulations you’ve been selected in the state PGT exam. You have been appointed as a lecturer in Hindi at the Kendriya Vidyalaya number 1, Aligarh city. Your joining letter will reach you soon, by post, which will contain information about your joining date and time.’
She stared at the email message on her computer, her mind racing so fast that the words blurred together and no longer made any sense. Just 3 lines, but enough to make her life–the life she’d worked so hard and sacrificed so much to build–begin to crumble around her. She looked at her husband, he was still very happy, maybe he didn’t knew what it meant, or maybe he was just ignoring it for her happiness. They went back home and he went to distribute sweets among his friends and relatives. He came back in home in the evening after taking his classes, she was sitting on the bed thinking something. He went in the room and hugged her tightly.

“Congratulations madam, lecturer of Hindi in Kendriya Vidyalaya, I am so happy today.” He said.

She smiled watching his happiness and hugged him back.
In the night, after they finished their dinner, he said looking at her, “Hey, what happened? You’re lost in deep thoughts after looking at the email. Is something wrong?”

“No, nothing. Let’s go to sleep.” She said.

“No way. Tell me what it is.” He said firmly.


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