Where Hearts Meet Brains – Chapter 1


Where Hearts Meet Brains – Chapter 1

DISCLAIMER: ALL NAMES AND INCIDENTS ARE FICTITIOUS, blah blah and more blah is mere co-incidence.

Also I wanna add that some of the dialogues in the story are not originally mine, but I read them somewhere ​I don’t remember. So credit goes to that writer 🙂

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Sneha and Anshul were sitting on the Marine drive beach. They both worked in an IT firm in Mumbai. Anshul had moved to Mumbai from Gwalior just last month. It was then that they met. And with the very first interaction, they both felt that there was something between them. It was since the last week that they started meeting and going out together and usually set there on the beach enjoying the lovely sunset.

Soothing waves kissed their feet, as Sneha slided her pyjama further up to the knees to avoid it getting wet. She rest her arms backwards in the wet sand, putting her entire weight on them. The sun was about to set, and the purple and yellow hue is dominant in the skies of Mumbai today evening.

Anshul:Hey, you color your toenails too?”
He asked pointing towards her feet.

Sneha: “Of course, I love it!” 
She laughed​, brushing aside the lofts of hair the noisy and warm winds of Mumbai were bringing to her face.

 “The red and orange sun,” Sneha said, “the way dirty clouds add to the color of the sunset sky, this lovely night waiting for the sun to depart, waiting for what we call twilight. The last of the flock of birds flying to it’s home after a tiring day. This rainy breeze that whispers it’s secrets in my ears. These small slum kids enjoying on the beach like they have not a single worry to make them sad. People over there making sand castles using their last wit despite knowing it’s all gonna get washed away in no time. This silent sea which has started roaring threateningly now. These shells, which we take away to our homes- that remind us of the place they belong to when we put it to our ears..and lastly, us getting some peaceful moments after a long day of work and stress…” She continued, “what could be more beautiful than this?”

She sat upright and stared straight into the infinite sky. 

Your soul.Anshul said.

Sneha turned to look at him, his gaze fixed towards the setting sun, now just a few inches above the sea. The grey clouds thundered above them, and a rain drop falls on her cheek. Anshul looked above, the sun has completely set now, and this last bird hurriedly makes it’s way to his home, but it’s already started drizzling. Last people on the beach fish out their umbrellas and raincoats and start leaving towards their homes. The sea was going wild. It was pouring now, and the sandcastles have long been melted. Her pyjama was soaking wet, and their shoes were almost about to float into the waves that are crashing now. Time to go, but she was still looking ❤.

Link for Part 2 : Where Hearts Meet Brains –  Part 2

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