Give Your Life A Way


Give Your Life A Way

DISCLAIMER: ALL NAMES AND INCIDENTS ARE FICTITIOUS, blah blah and more blah is mere co-incidence.

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“Tomorrow is your result.”
Vishal just wanted to get an escape from this, his board result. Next day he found out that he happened to get 60% in the boards. But what next? Continuously after his board exams his parents were suggesting him to do engineering as they thought that doing engineering would make it easier for him to find a match for his marriage. But after a month it seem like more of an order than a suggestion. As per their wish, he gave some exams and as a he had believed, he failed in each. After getting the board exam and entrance test result, he knew he wasn’t going to be someone great. He had no confidence. He just wanted to get into a College and that time and it didn’t matter where or how. Luckily there was a minority Engineering College which accepted him on the basis of his marks. After a year there he left to study Aircraft maintenance Engineering in Bangalore. This was because he didn’t wanted to be one of those engineers who completed engineering and understand nothing about it. He had absolutely no motivation. The professors were not good and there was no help. So whenever he didn’t understood anything he usually left it.

His performance was never good there. So once his new HOD (Head of the Department) came and told him that, “You left one college to come here, I think you might have to leave this place too and go somewhere else.” Until that moment, he did not realized how serious the condition was and sensed that he had reached a point where he could not study AME anymore because it was a lot difficult. He wanted to genuinely improve but he did not know how he was going to do that. That is when the best thing happened; someone suggested him to consider teaching!

You know, when you start doing something you always look for motivation.

He thought teaching would be the best thing because it was a part-time job and it would help him improve his basics. So that is how he started learning 8th standard textbooks at the age of 20 when most of his friends started defining their careers and were doing great with their lives. He finished 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th CBSE Maths in a span of 6 months and did each and every question in the text book. He did the same with Physics. At the age of 21, he was ready. He gained a lot of momentum. 

After the preparation, he went to a reputed institution to apply for the post of teacher. And to his surprise, the person who was appointed to take his demo class was his school principal. A teacher who had always known him for failing the subject was now watching him doing just fantastic. After the class she congratulated him 3 to 4 times, telling him that he did a great job. And to receive appreciation from someone who has always scolded him, that too in the subject she had mastered, it felt too good. 

These were not sudden changes. He was pretty smart back then also but he didn’t knew how to channelize it for studies. Also, at that point, he shed a lot of weight and had suddenly become good looking and then the girlfriend phase kicked in where he wasted a lot of time on stupid things, trying to be really cool to impress others. Now he feel that he did all that only because he was not doing well in school. Because when you are not serious in life everything starts becoming light, anything you start doing in your daily life becomes just another thing. You are unable to see the meaning behind anything. Now he has started looking for meaning. He has changed a lot. He is not that 17 year old guy people knew and he is happy that he is doing quite well for himself. If money define success, I think that he is doing much better than his classmates. But that is not how he want to define it anymore. Everyday if he learn something before he go to sleep, that is a huge success for him.

So what do we learn from this story, from Vishal.
1. You should do what you really want to do. If you really want to achieve success or greatness, you can do it only with the things you like. You can not want to be a chef and try to become an engineer just to prove a point. In his case his parents thought that doing engineering would make it easier for him to find a match for his marriage. These cannot be the reasons to pursue anything see if you like it.
2. If you found the thing you want to do, then you have to be 100% dedicated towards it. Your focus has to be fixed because regret is never a sweet feeling.
3. You always need someone to guide you and it is important to find a mentor than just a teacher. 
4. You have to understand the topic completely. Rote learning is never going to help. Studies show that Rote learning is extremely ineffective and is it is not going to remain in your brain for long time. It is important to learn.

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